Inner Child Healing Workshop
A 2 Day Virtual Experience to understand and begin to heal your inner child.
Inner Child Healing Workshop
A 2 Day Virtual Experience to understand and begin to heal your inner child.
If you’ve ever been told these things...and so much more like that...then, childhood wounding may, in fact, be the reason you:
Hesitate to ask for what you want (“They’re right, I don’t deserve it”)
Settle for relationships that don’t fulfill you (“This is all I’ll ever have”)
Feel unsafe in your own body (“I cannot trust myself to do the right thing”)
Don’t let others help you (“I cannot trust anyone else”)
Struggle to manage money (“I don’t deserve wealth”)
Throw temper tantrums (“See me”)
All of these things are just a glimpse of what can go on inside us as we live through our wounded inner children.
The quality of our relationships, the health of our bank accounts, our physical health, as well as the quality of the lives we lead are all dependent on how we navigate life with our wounded inner child.
And healing these inner child wounds are at the ROOT of the work that can begin to finally change everything.
Even if you had the BEST parents...
You could still be operating from old inner child wounds.
Meet your inner child, finally, so you can show YOU the LOVE and UNDERSTANDING, the COMPASSION you so desperately needed to experience when you were little.
When we address the wounds our inner child has endured, we open the door to:
A partner or partners that truly see(s) us and accept(s) us for who we are
A business or career that thrives because we’re able to operate it without filters or fear
Loving life for all it’s crazy chaos without getting beat down every time the tide changes
Levels of patience with ourselves that we’ve never known before
A feeling of love and contentment that we longed for so deeply all our youths
I’m Nikyla Maria, a master of inner child work. After years of struggling to overcome my own childhood trauma and abuse, I vowed to find a faster and kinder way to reclaim power and heal childhood wounds. Accessing your inner child is a deeply sacred act and should only be done with the most gentle and compassionate care.
Using my Masters Degree in Child Development and education, certification in advanced energy healing and shamanism, trauma recovery certification, IFS (internal family stems training, breath work, and shamanic meditation, I’ve developed a way for my clients to experience deep, intentional, and dare I say, permanent healing.
My life, as well as the clients’ lives who have done this work with me, are all proof that radical transformation is possible when you begin to choose yourself and open your mind to new perspectives. I am passionate about helping others make the same shift I did, from childhood wound survivor to thriver.
I see your light, I see your love, I see your truth.
If you’re so over...
Running late for (almost) everything in your life
Apologizing for things that are not your fault
Feeling obligated to say yes to everyone who asks something of you...only to resent them later for asking
Being faced with all the same kind of selfish main character lovers and companions who want to monopolize your time and cut you off from the rest of the world or treat you the way they want and toss you aside
Fighting the same fights with yourself over and over again
“I’ll start Monday” Syndrome
Falling short of your income dreams
Dealing with every wound you’ve ever been dealt
Then, it’s time to heal your inner child with my exclusive rapid transformation process, Inner Child Healing Workshop.
The Inner Child Oracle Workshop is a pre-recorded workshop that is intended to be explored as though you’re at an actual retreat. You’ll be asked to make sure you’re taking care of you in between calls because a lot of shiz is going to come up for you and you’ll need to process and integrate it.
And you can’t do that if you’re scrolling Facebook or waiting on everyone else.
(If you DO need to take care of others, you can...and you’ll learn how to do it while still maintaining the “work” of the workshop.)
Discover who you really are underneath all the pain, the wounds, and the shame
What the Inner Child Oracle Delivers
Lifetime Access to the Recorded Event
Four powerful 90-minute sessions of pre-recorded inward exploration, healings, clearing and activations so you can refer to your library of content often.
Sound Healings
A powerful 30-Minute Sound Healing Soul Sound Alchemist, Lucie Lynch, to help keep your heart and soul aligned with your new journey.
Inner Child Workbook + Journal Prompts
An in-depth workbook and journal guiding you deeper into your Inner Child.
Experience various healing methods
Energy Healings, Shamanic Journeys, Inner Child Activations, breath-work, chakra clearing, and intentional guided journaling to help you continue to progress beyond the sessions.
Activation Lessons & Reflection Journal ($ value)
To optimize your experience pre & post session.
You'll receive a copy of my 40 page e-book to learn how to turn the shit in your life into gold!
Shamanic Journeys ($111 value)
Within your member portal you will have exclusive access to over a dozen powerful shamanic journeys.
Turning Inward Virtual Retreat ($333 value
As a special bonus you will also get access to my Turning Inward Virtual retreat to dive deep into inward dialogue and self exploration.
Awaken Your Abundance ($111 value)
You will also receive access to my powerful wealth consciousness workbooks and money-activating meditations.
You’ve been doing inner work for long enough. If you want to FINALLY make it all STICK, then heal your inner child with the Inner Child Workshop
Investment to finally begin to create lasting change and healing in your life?
Only $444
© Copyrights by Nikyla Maria LLC. All Rights Reseved.